Charles Burchhardt

Charles Burchhardt

CHARLES BURCHHARDT “Expertise in UK regulated financial planning, aviation sales and corporate jet charter” LW design where recommended to Charles Burchhardt via Aldous Wealth Management to help Charles create his personal brand and advertise his range of services. We...


SSE SIMO Pro “It’s a game changer” Following on from the design of the SSE and SIMO Logos, Andrew developed a new product called SIMO Pro 1.0. LW design where instructed to turn the “post it note concept” drawing into a working logo. Using the...
SE Energy

SE Energy

SE Energy “Surrey’s leading plumbing and heating service” LW design where commissioned SE Heating and Plumbing to help them rebrand. Keeping the existing colours, we reworked the logo to modernise the logo for the renewable energy market as well as traditional...


RAMSEC “Cultural Protection” LW design where commissioned to produce a classic looking logo, to fit the brand ethos of looking after culturally valuable items. The Thrupney Bit (coin) was selected as a viable logo shape to develop the logo further, with regal colours...
Alison Reid

Alison Reid

ALISON REID “Unleash your potential” Alison commissioned LW design to produce a simple, impactful logo to help her to build her brand. Using 2 complimentary colours, Yellow and Purple where chosen as they resonated with Alison’s personality. We created 2...
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